JRPGfan said:
RolStoppable said:
4.3 Times have changed. During the early generations of consoles, new platforms had to be introduced to keep up with increasing gameplay possibilities. Nowadays it's basically just about adding more bells and whistles to the graphics of games, first and foremost games of developers and publishers who don't want to publish their games on a Nintendo platform to begin with. That's why there's no pressure on Nintendo to release a new console because a new PS and Xbox are out now; the disparities in graphical fidelity is essentially meaningless. |
I think this is a good to mention. Even more so for PS5,XSX2, Switch2 (or whatever future consoles are called). Honestly price to entry is still a huge issue for many. Maybe future consoles dont need as big improvements as prior gens (honestly PS5/XSX are monsters, most dont need more).
Looking back (now), I actually think Microsoft made a smart move with the Xbox Series S. I hope Sony dont do a PS5 Pro, and instead focuses on makeing them cheaper (PS5 slims), and when its becomes time for a PS6, they focus more on the end price of the unit.
Nintendo with the Switch are in a great position. Even at start with the Switch, they sold it at more than decent profits, and can easily afford to lower prices on units.
If they want to reach 160m, they just need to lower the barrier to entry that is the price of units. Get the Switch Light down to 149$ and the actual Switch down to 199$.
Time to break that old PS2 sales record. Torpoleon said:
@Slownenberg If Nintendo holds off on releasing Switch 2 until Holiday 2025, I do agree that Switch outselling PS4 & Xbox One combined is definitely in the cards! |
So around 175m or so? Its bold :) Thats like 70m+ units sold from now til Holidays 2025. (2years 8months or so?)
So...... its been like 3years.
1) The mentality of the Series S, kinda backfired, since theres been devs that claim the reason x,y,z games are not on xbox is the hassel of also getting stuff to work on the series s. So you heard xbox crowd being kinda mad about the series S. That said, it still makes up like half of the total xbox systems sold. So in a sense, I still think it was a good idea from xbox side to make a series S. Perphaps a better option would have been a middle ground between the S and X, and a cheaper price? I dont know.
2) Playstation did release a PS5pro.... how well that is doing? I'm not sure.
3) Nintendo barely touched the price point of the Switch.... and its still looking like it might break past 160m.
4) Nintendo actually did the logical thing, and called it "Switch 2" :)