firebush03 said: yeah this question doesn’t even take a second thought for me. I’ll be waiting outside my Target at 12am for the 8am opening. |
I did this for the Wii and the WiiU and had a great time. Well, the Wii was far more fun because the buzz was palpable and every single retailer in my area was caught flat footed. I remember WalMart telling me the day before launch there wouldn't even be a line. By 4pm the day before there were already 4 people in line at Target and I became the 5th of what would be 30 people all gathered together playing DS, board games, sharing stories about their love of Nintendo and being jazzed about swinging Link's sword in Twilight Princess. The nearest thing to this for me was waiting in line for advance tickets for The Phantom Menace in '99. Can't believe that Wii launch was almost 20 years ago.