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Almost 10 years later after I made this thread - the statement is more true than ever.

Mobile (iOS/Android) which had more games than the consoles is no longer a leading platform for the series.

(Stealth brag - these are all the FF games I own on Steam - minus XI and XIV because they are MMORPG though I might be getting XIV in the future)

Going by this list and what we have now available

Modern/Current available games (Does not include Cloud streaming/subscription)

-Final Fantasy I Pixel Remaster - Steam, Switch, Playstation, Xbox, iOS/Android
-Final Fantasy II Pixel Remaster - Steam, Switch, Playstation, Xbox, iOS/Android
-Final Fantasy III Pixel Remaster - Steam, Switch, Playstation, Xbox, iOS/Android
-Final Fantasy III 3D Remake - Steam, iOS/Android
-Final Fantasy IV Pixel Remaster - Steam, Switch, Playstation, Xbox, iOS/Android
-Final Fantasy IV 3D Remake - Steam, iOS/Android
-Final Fantasy IV The After Years 3D Remake - Steam, iOS/Android
-Final Fantasy V Pixel Remaster - Steam, Switch, Playstation, Xbox, iOS/Android
-Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster - Steam, Switch, Playstation, Xbox, iOS/Android
-Final Fantasy VII - Steam, Switch, Playstation, Xbox, iOS/Android
-Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core Reunion - Steam, Switch, Playstation, Xbox
-Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis - Steam, iOS/Android
-Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade - Steam, Playstation
-Final Fantasy VII Rebirth - Steam, Playstation
-Final Fantasy VIII Remaster - Steam, Switch, Playstation, Xbox, iOS/Android
-Final Fantasy IX - Steam, Switch, Playstation, Xbox, iOS/Android
-Final Fantasy X/X-2 - Steam, Switch, Playstation, Xbox
-Final Fantasy XI - Steam
-Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age - Steam, Switch, Playstation, Xbox
-Final Fantasy XIII - Steam, Xbox
-Final Fantasy XIII-2 - Steam, Xbox
-Final Fantasy XIII Lighting Returns - Steam, Xbox
-Final Fantasy XIV - Steam, Playstation, Xbox
-Final Fantasy XV - Steam, Playstation, Xbox
-Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition - Playstation, Xbox, Switch (Technically on PC via Microsoft Store but not counting that)
-Final Fantasy XVI - Steam, Playstation
-Final Fantasy Type-0 HD - Steam, Playstation, Xbox
-Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles HD Remaster - Playstation, Switch
-World of Final Fantasy - Steam, Switch, Playstation, Xbox
-Collection of Saga Final Fantasy - Steam, Switch, iOS/Android
-Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy - Steam, Playstation, Xbox
-Dissidia Final Fantasy NT - Steam, Playstation
-Monster of the Deep Final Fantasy XV VR - Playstation
-A King's Tale Final Fantasy XV - Playstation, Xbox (its on Microsoft Store for PC but not counting that)
-Crystal Defenders - Xbox

Delisted games (that arent online dependent)

-Final Fantasy I Anniversary - iOS/Android
-Final Fantasy II Anniversary - iOS/Android
-Final Fantasy V Mobile Remake - Steam, iOS/Android
-Final Fantasy VI Mobile Remake - Steam, iOS/Android

Outdated versions (Not delisted)

-Final Fantasy VII Remake - Playstation
-Final Fantasy VIII - Steam

Delisted games that are not counted on any list due to it being impossible to play them due to online requirement

-Final Fantasy Record Keeper - iOS/Android
-Final Fantasy Mobius - Steam, iOS/Android
-Final Fantasy VII The First Soldier - iOS/Android
-Final Fantasy Explorers Force - iOS/Android
-Final Fantasy Awakening - iOS/Android
-World of Final Fantasy: Meli-Melo - iOS/Android
-Final Fantasy Grandmasters  - iOS/Android
-Final Fantasy VII G-Bike - iOS/Android

Steam: 31 (+2 delisted)

Playstation: 26

Xbox: 23

Switch: 16

iOS/Android: 14 (+4 delisted)