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killer7 said:
curl-6 said:

$400 USD would be the sweet spot for price I feel; higher than that and it starts to get a bit pricey for low income buyers, while any less doesn't seem feasible given inflation and the fact Nintendo always sell hardware at a profit. It would still sell at $450-500, just not as much.

A $400 Switch 2 with a packed first year including Mario Kart 9 would sell basically whatever Nintendo can ship for its first year.

If the hardware is powerful enough you can chare good money! If a PS/ Xbox can be expensive, a Nintendo system also can! Price is not everything: The PSP soon was cheaper than the DS (especially Street PSP), the Vita soon dropped to the same price as the 3DS. Die any Sonyhandheld outsold its direct competitior? No? Price has nothing to do with sucess, otherwise the PSP woudld be ~150 million wich would have really made it "the walkman of the 21 century". But we know how it ended...

It would still sell well at $450-500, just less because some people simply don't have that kind of money to spend on a relative luxury like a console. Nintendo has always made sure their consoles are affordable.