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Shadownin64 said:

I have heard many people complain about the graphics of this new Mario Kart based on little bit of footage we have seen. Of course, this isn’t final footage and the final game will look better in a least some ways, but I don’t expect it to look significantly better beyond any DLSS upscaling and that is related to what I think the new gimmick is.

The new gimmick will be related to the 24 racers I think it will be races with teams of 4 people. In Mario Kart 8 you could only play 2 players online per switch. This is because that when you play four player split screen locally the fps goes from 60 to 30. Now if they are being less ambitious with the graphics to achieve 60 fps then you will be able to form one team with yourself and your friends on one switch 2. With 24 racers there will be 6 teams of 4 and if you are by yourself or have 2 or 3 players the match making system will match you with the correct configuration of missing players (Prioritizing 2+2 or 1+3 before adding a bunch of sole players together.). It would also be cool if this could also be done locally with 6 Switches wirelessly connecting with 4 people on every switch.

Also, with 4 player split screen as a focus it would be great if they try to get the as close to a 4K resolution possible without the game taking a hit on fps, then make up the difference with DLSS. I often read on here about people complaining about games not being 60 fps, but I often don’t hear about people complaining about resolution, but with a big TV and split screen resolution can be very important.

Are people willing to make graphical sacrifices for these things? Would the graphics in the teaser explain them trying to get 4 player 60 fps 4K DLSS split screen or would they also try to shoot for native 4K because DLSS would be too noticeable with 4 people looking exclusively on one quarter of the screen. Also, what do you think the gimmick of teams would be; would it be more than just adding up all the place finishing scores?

The fact that people cant tell its a new MK is really a testament to how great MK8 looks. It was the best looking WiiU game and one of the best looking Switch games.