We don’t have nearly enough information to begin to tell.
1. Will it launch with a killer app? (Like NES, Wii, Switch)
2. Will it have a killer app during its lifecycle? (like Gameboy and Switch)
3. Will it have numerous system sellers? (Like Switch, NES, SNES, GB, GBA, DS, 3DS)
4. Will it have a feature the news cycles will demonize? (3DS?)
5. Will it have a sluggish interface? (Wii U)
6. Will there be something wrong/uncool with the image? (GameCube).
7. Will it have longterm support that might go beyond its successor launch (NES, 3DS, and GB—at least on the first part)
8. Will it have sudden new competition from more ubiquitous platforms (3DS)
There are so many things that aren’t clear right now.
I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.