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1. Metroid Prime 4: Beyond as a Launch title - Having a long-awaited, long-delayed game available day one on next gen hardware is a must. Breath of the Wild sold people on the Switch being a home console on the go, and Prime 4 will sell people on Switch 2 being a better, more refined and advanced Switch.

2. Introduce games that show off the new console and the new Joy-Con - Let's be honest, developers aren't going to utilize any of Nintendo's gimmicks until Nintendo themselves sets an example. So whatever the pack-in/tech-demo game is for the new Joy-Con controllers, it needs to demonstrate plain an clear the unique new features of the hardware in a creative, simple, and practical manner.

3. Some big third party announcements - If you want to convince people third parties are on board, then there needs to be some big third party game announcements in the April Direct, as well as some key releases from third parties in the first year. It can't just be some jerk-off in a suit going on camera saying "we'll bring games to it... Maybe..." like the Switch 1 reveal. How about letting Sega show that new Jet Set Radio game coming. Let Square Enix confirm a new Dragon Quest or Bravely game. Finally confirm that Call of Duty is coming back to Nintendo.

4. A killer Fall slate - Part of the reason the Switch did so well in its first year was its steady stream of big releases culminating in a big Fall release. So the Fall lineup in the launch year needs something big (Mario Kart 9 maybe), as well as some surprises (New IP perhaps).