farlaff said:
Norion said:
Since the OLED makes up slightly over half of all Switch sales there will be at least some impact cause buying a model that expensive going forward would be a pretty silly move other than for people that would consider the Switch 2 being LCD a deal breaker but I doubt there's many people like that. The impact should intensify after the big early April direct but it'll still sell at least decently for the rest of January and throughout February and March though.
Yeah! I myself am hyped, but since I have access to a monster PC now I might even present me with the luxury of waiting for an OLED revision.
That's another aspect, some of those people will just wait for the OLED revision of the Switch 2 instead of getting a Switch OLED now. Though maybe its screen will be good enough for an LCD to be worth getting now for them.
Soundwave said:
I think it will have an impact because the Switch 1 is still fairly pricey, like it's not exactly a budget price.
Given that, you'd have to be pretty fucking stupid to buy a Switch 1 at this point (Lite model excluded). For $100 more maybe than what the OLED costs you'll be able to get a Switch 2 which will play Switch 1 software and maybe even enhance it on top of that you get access to the next 6+ years of Nintendo software content like the new Mario Kart game. And a bigger screen size too.
Anyone who was thinking of getting a Switch 1 at this point would be well advised to just wait a few months for Switch 2.
Yeah thinking about it more even the original model would also be a foolish buy and arguably even more foolish than the OLED now since at least that will have the better screen going for it. Other than people where the higher cost would be a huge challenge and have been saving up for a Switch for a long time I don't get why anyone would buy a Switch now other than the Lite.
Last edited by Norion - on 16 January 2025