Pretty much what @DroidKnight says.
As long as the price is fair and they have enough stock to meet demand, Switch 2 will have a wildly successful launch and break tons of records. You obviously still want to have that big, killer app to at launch that everyone can sink their teeth into and play on the system. But this time around, you can be more flexible with the launch lineup and even the BIG, killer app launch title.
With Switch 1 back in 2017, it was still an unproven concept with many people doubting it - People who were on this website back then, myself included, will remember the endless threads and sales predictions for NX, and how for as much optimism around the Switch's sales potential, there was an equal amount of pessimism. And there was good reason for the pessimism - Nintendo was coming off their worst console generation and their biggest flop to date. And people had reason to doubt the Switch - So they absolutely needed a game like Breath of the Wild to get the system off the ground running and give it a chance.
This time around? They're coming off the best console generation and their biggest success to date. The Switch concept is a proven winner and people are clearly already hyped and eagerly awaiting Switch 2 - As long as Nintendo sticks to K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple, Stupid!) and just keeps it the same, just far more powerful, fair price, and no ridiculous gimmicks, and actually CALL it Switch 2 so everyone knows exactly what it is - It will sell megaton numbers no matter what. So they don't need a super heavyweight like Mario, Zelda, or Pokemon at launch to sell people on Switch 2 - They're already sold! So just make sure the launch lineup is there and solid. And because they're already sold - I would use this opportunity to make the big launch title a game that: A) Can show off the amazing leap in power and graphics from Switch 1 to Switch 2. B) Comes from a franchise that, critically, is every bit as good as Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon, some might even say better, but, commercially, hasn't quite reached those levels of sales for one reason or another. Something liiiike.... Metroid Prime 4: Beyond?
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