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Whether time limit is good or bad really depends of the setting and goals.

If your designing game around exploration of the wilds, with no BBEG, or BBEG that it's taking his time, than time limit is probably not be a smart choice (though I like that even then time is taken into account in development of BBEG's plans and how far he progresses in that case).
But if you designing game as "narrative sandbox", then frivolously wasting time in game world, while important things are at stake, is really breaking verisimilitude and brings unnecessary ludonarrative dissonance, like in so many modern open world games.

At least, that's my POV, and I'm glad at least some devs are trying to make something different.
With high replayability and taking completely different choices, leading to (it seems) completely different endings, I actually hope that actual play time is around 30-40 hours at most, so that I can do few meaningful playthroughs for a total of 100-120 hours - this is actually what I've been missing for quite some time now.