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A 2% cut or $17 million is a big cut to an entire agency.

Keep in mind that if you kept budgets static, inflation means it was a budget cut anyway... So the cut is likely bigger than $17 million/2% in real terms.

The more modern our trucks are, the more likely they are to "break" as they are full of advanced safety safety features, which means we need larger budgets to service them, that tends to be where the bulk of our funding goes... Onto the trucks.

If that larger budget was already being stretched, cuts won't make that easier.
So that 2% is more impactful than people realize. - It may mean we defer replacing a hose with a hole in it until the next financial year, it may mean we don't buy a new floating collar dam to provide water at the fire-ground... It may mean we skip a pump service.

It does mean a lot.

Last edited by Pemalite - on 12 January 2025

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