I've been thinking about this a bit recently, and my conclusion is very clear: no, devs don't respect our time even nearly enough. I don't mind long games either, but when it's Assassin's Creed: Valhalla with mostly similar content you feel like you've already seen too much of by the time you've played through half the game, you know the devs just don't respect your time at all. That's the worst offender I've personally played, but sadly disrespecting player time is way too common these days. Way too often it's all about addicting the player and adding filler content so you can brag about how much content your game has, and way too rarely it's a suitably designed playthrough with lots of optional content for those that want it (or just skipping the extra content altogether, if not enough people care about it).
40-50 hours already feels like a lot, and anything more than that just for a typical playthough (including side content typical to a regular playthrough) is generally just way too much. If anything, 'content' for more than 50 hours of gameplay is probably often poor design. If it's actual gameplay that doesn't get old even after 50 hours despite going through the same content a lot, that's good design, at least in some ways, but 50+ hours of 'unique' content most likely isn't, at least based on my limited experience.
tl;dr: No, devs don't respect our time, and I'm fed up with it.