People need to stop saying Rebirth is a mini game simulator cause that is not the right way to look ay it, it is more akin to a genre bending game like Neir Automata, just in the way they have implemented it, it feels like mini games. This is not the same as something like Yakuza and has much more in common with something like Neir automata or Dave the Diver whwre the poitn is to mix up the gameplay. Every bit of content in the game having some kind of smaller mechanic or mechanics whitin mechanics is a bit much, I would agree but that's what keeps it fresh and this game is fresh AF. I had this game pinned for something else entirely and it's reputation does not reflect the produxt at all, I'm 25 hours in and already I've gotten more out of this game than 90% of games I've tried this year and I've tried over 150, it is so much about gameplay and that's epic in this genre that can get so stale and repetitive so easily. Perhaps the issue they need to address for part 3 is tlto make everything more seamless and Shift naturally as would happen in Neir Automata, just a gentle transition from one gameplay style to another.