crissindahouse said: Ohh what a surprise, Elon Musk saying on Twitter only Germany's Nazi party AfD can save Germany [...] |
Yeah, we totally saw how great it turned out to let Nazis get into power in the last century. I wouldn't exactly call that saving. And in the next four years, we can't even rely on the Americans to come and liberate us, let alone the russians. So that would be quite a bad time for Nazis to get into power again.
Thankfully, AfD is at 19 percent in the polls right now. Which is sad enough, but since no other party wants to work with them, the chances of those idiots getting into the government are just about non-existant. Here's hoping it stays that way, but we definitely have to do something about the russian propaganda machine. There are way too many idiots around here that fall for all that BS. For whatever reason.
Sometimes it's hard not to get depressed when looking at the political map. People really do seem to learn nothing from history. They just keep repeating the same shit over and over again and when shit blows up, they pretend that no one could have seen it coming.
Screw Musk, screw AfD and all the other xenophobic, selfish idiots who think they can save any country by isolating it from the rest of the world and build stupid walls. It has never ever worked out in the history of mankind, not a single fucking time. How dumb can you be not to see that?
Sorry for the rant. Sometimes it gets to me.
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