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If you're like me you didn't gel with FF7 remake, it took me 4 attempts to get into it and even after finishing it, warts and all I'd give it a 8/10 or lower because of some of the design choices and slow, stretched out sections, not anywhere close to a 10/10 game. Well, people, FF Rebirth fixes everything wrong with the part 1. I'm only 20 hours in but so far this has masterpiece written all over it, there's good reason this game has the praise it has and it's quite unique and masterfully designed. Right down to traversal and speed of which the character moves, to the combat and difficulty scaling issues and so much more... And to the point of the thread, a PSA..

FF7 Remake now has an update that allows you to start at level 45 and also fast forward through cutscenes, making a playthrough easier and faster now. They haven't fixed the intentionally slowed down sections but I'll tell you this, Rebirth is worth a playthrough of Remake, which you can now B line at probably just over 20 hours, if I can gauge it right but it also, doesnt need a playthorugh of Remake for you to get the most out of it. Watch the recap in the title menu and you're golden. Also, FF7 Remake is free with the INTERmission expansion on PS Extra.

This game (Rebirth) is phenomenal and I just wanna let people who are in the same boat as I was, not "getting" what Remake was going for or fell off for the many reasons would with that game, there is this excellent game here in Rebirth that's now on sale on PS5.  

Last edited by LegitHyperbole - 4 days ago