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I picked other,

PSX vs N64 was more intense than both of those combined. It was the first one where the Internet was a factor at that point - and it saw a lot of industry changing defections of Nintendo third parties to Sony, such as Square, Enix, and Capcom. In the end, it saw the topple of the dominant video game company after a 10+ year reign.

Nintendo vs Sega was pretty big in marketing, but I don’t think most people cared too much aside from the Sonic vs Mario and Sonic vs Donkey Kong Country parts. By the time I got onto the Internet, this one was mostly passé, although I recall comparisons about DKC and Phantasy Star/Lunar vs Final Fantasy and Chrono Trigger that got heated. But felt Final Fantasy moving to PSX dwarfed it.

Do you mean Wii/DS vs PS3/PSP? Because PS3 vs Xbox was so minor/forgettable that I don’t even recall there being any kind of a console war there. Wii vs PS3 also had the marketing strategy war, and Sony creating the PS Move and such. Nintendo started pulling back the Japanese industry in a big way during this generation. Nintendo pulled Dragon Quest as a console exclusive during that generation.

Last edited by Jumpin - on 17 December 2024

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.