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LegitHyperbole said:
CaptainExplosion said:

Wouldn't be surprised if it was a plot by the Iranian or Chinese governments. Everything they do these days is an international incident.

The US Goverment would be forced to say it and they'd surely know. Take the Spy balloon, they were forced to acknowledge it and play along and hope that the public just loose interest sooner than later so no international incident is triggered. If this is an OP by another government, they can't sweep it under the rug with this much pressure. Is it possible they don't know and it is a foriegn OP? Very doubtful. They know what's what, what's happening and where and the other sides know that they know. Unless the US government has been subverted, I'd expect these not to be foreign drones or if yhey are and the Goverment is in denial mode cause public panic is a risk, this would be a very serious situation and we're in for a shock. 

Why are they dodging the question and failing to pursue when they know what it is not, that is the question. They are near Military bases and the Government won't say, going out of their way to refuse documented sighting that are on film with flimsy answers, so occums razor suggests they are of the Government or from some private sector of the military. However this leaves the question of why they haven't stopped with this much attention. 

The whole thing is just so bizarre and prove once again, you can't rely on the government for shit they aren't immediately equipped to handle, so that rules out all new and emerging threats. You're on your own if it hasn't happened before or is something likely by Murphies Law that'll have pre made plans in place. 

So why not shoot the drones down now?