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Hiku said:
Chrkeller said:

Lol, bullying?  I have two mods up my bumper, one who fabricated a false story and another threatening attacks on my wall.  Sweet mother of pearl.  

My initial reaction to reading your comment was that two moderators potentially misbehaved in their capacity as moderators.

After reviewing other posts to get further context (one of which you quoted) because this sounds like it could be a very serious issue, it seems this had nothing to do with Pi-Guy being a moderator.
And if you don't believe he spoke to a friend from the UK, simply say that you don't believe he did, unless you have evidence to support that he actually fabricated it.

"Someone mentioned a story I don't believe" ✔️
"A moderator fabricated a story" ❌

See the difference in the implications for those who don't know the context?
Please do the former from now on. Otherwise staff may have to spend time investigating a potential case of abuses of power for no good reason.

The second moderator you mentioned, that you claim threatened attacks on your wall, seems to be Ryuu.
In this case it seems there was a moderator action, when he redirected an off-topic discussion to your wall.
But I read through both comments he made on your wall, and I see no threatening attacks there.

You can respond to my post here if you wish to clarify something. In particular what you meant by "threatening attacks on my wall".
But if you have issues with any decision made, as per the forum rules you can discuss it with me or any other moderator in PM, instead of here.

I will just say Chazore is right and everyone knows it.  

Now I have a mod messaging me telling me I have self esteem issues.

I'm sure that is fine and appropriate behavior too.  

Last edited by Chrkeller - on 13 November 2024