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Assuming we're not taking into account either backwards compatibility or their library being ported to successor systems, the WiiU has a very strong library for a system with such bad sales. The Vita library is also great, a lot of niche indies and JRPGs if that is the thing for you. The XBOne has most multiplats out of the three, but less exclusives, so it feels the most disposable of the three despite having more games. In this regard I'd give it to the WiiU, as you can really have a very strong library with its exclusives alone.

Feature-wise, the Vita serves as both a handheld and a PS4 remote play machine, the former has a lot of uses, the latter feels kind of pointless. The WiiU tablet was clumsy and SEVERELY underutilized, it was the thing that dragged the WiiU down in sales, but hey, it was the last console with free online, which is a damn shame. The XBOne had the Kinect, which was even more pointless than the gamepad, but Gamepass was a great way to save on games. Gamepass is a paid service that can be accessed on PC as well, so it's not a XBOne only feature. I think it's a toss up between the WiiU and the Vita, with the Vita edging it out due to handheld always being useful while the WiiU's online servers will eventually be cut.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

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