Thanks for the invite! I'm in!
Thanks for hosting again too, mZuzek. You always do an excellent job.
Since there's really no point in anyone trying to guess what's on my particular list ever...well lemme say something about that. My lists are in large part a byproduct of ADHD. That's the real reason they're so...what's the polite word to use here?...imaginative? I'm a curious, neurotic person who lacks focus. Anyway, since there's no point in anyone guessing what's on my list, I'll just spoil the main changes now, as otherwise few will even notice.
I'm actually adding several titles from this year to the list. Namely 1000xRESIST, Lorelei and the Laser Eyes, Animal Well, Senua's Saga (which will replace the original Hellblade on my list entirely), and Nine Sols. Yes, recency bias is probably a factor, but oh well, I'm human and biased. Conversely, I've also been bitten by the nostalgia bug this year and as a result a couple really old titles -- Final Fantasy VI and Chrono Trigger -- will be advancing dramatically on my list this year. And though they weren't far from it before anyway, I've decided to move both Undertale (my favorite RPG of all time) and the original Metroid Prime into the top 10 this year. The rest of the top 10 though remains unchanged and pretty stable. Freedom Planet 2 has also moved up to 13th place, as it's become my favorite 2D platforming game.