With the Nintendo Switch most likely finishing its run as the greatest-selling console of all time, and Microsoft slowly shifting its position from a competitor to a games supplier (similar to what Sega did during the PS2/XB/GC days), Nintendo is sitting as the market leader with Sony maintaining a healthy competitive threat to the ruling market leader.
The question I have for you, given:
- the Switch 2 (Codenamed Ounce) is about to be revealed
- the usually very volatile strategies Nintendo had employed in prior generations (N64 cartridges and 3-prong controller, Gamecube mini-disk and lunchbox design, Wii tv-remote style controller and motion control games, WiiU 2nd screen, DS second screen and stylus, 3DS 3D display)
- the Switch being the quintessence of Nintendo's designs over the past 7 generations,
What should be Nintendo's approach to maintain industry leadership in the games industry? See the poll and add other strategies you might consider wise.