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Soundwave said:

People underestimate how much of a difference a 100 foot screen makes because they don't have a direct compartive when they sit down at the theater, as in if you put the best OLED display next to a good projector side by side, sure the OLED will have nicer picture quality, but I'd bet most people would prefer to watch the (way) larger image. It's far more cinematic.

I have a pretty high end projector in my home and it's set to 150 inches, but I'd much rather watch movies on that than my 65 inch OLED, the screen size difference is just massive even at 150 inches, you're not going to get a television that size for a reasonable price anytime probably even in a decade. And it makes the movie watching experience feel much more like what I assume the director intended. Movies are created for the big screen. 

Modern projectors are pretty great too, the image quality is very nice. 

I had the same mentality before HDR, even build a whole dedicated viewing room around my projector.

However the screen size doesn't matter, distance, preceived fov does. Simply moving the couch closer to the 4K HDR TV gives the same immersion of a bigger screen viewed from further away.

150 inches from 12 ft is the same as 65 inches from 5.2 ft. Except with true blacks and much better color/contrast/brightness.

I enjoyed cinema when it was still analog, actual film. Since it's all digital now, at home is simply better.