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I actually also just started BG3 (finally), am about seven hours in - but I think it's not for me. It's awesome what they have done with the story and the characters, the world where it feels like encounters are just happening naturally and could go in any direction, and even though it annoys me when my dice rolls don't go my way and the game thus forces me down a different path then I wanted to take, I get why that is an interesting mechanic. But I really can't get over the combat, I hate it. And I don't want to put in hours of research to "git gud" and see whether that would make a difference. Story/characters kept me playing until now, but everytime I step into a battle it annoys me so much I just feel like stopping playing. Still happy I got a glimpse of why it's a special game and many people love it so much, but as of now I'll call it quits at hour seven.