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I just googled the dude Lőrinc Mészáros who was mentioned a few days ago here in the thread as good friend of Orban. A German politician mentioned that guy in the European Parliament and he just got rich because of Orban transferring all the EU money to him and it's astonishing to me how Hungary does still even get a single cent from the EU.

That dude was broke and is now the richest person in Hungary. He pretty much increased 10-100x his wealth in single years the moment Orban got President and gave him all the EU money for his companies.

But not only that, he also buys pretty much every TV and Radio station in Hungary and all the newspapers as well with the money he has now.

EU is not only looking at a dictatorship forming in an EU country but they actively pay for it every year.

And on top of that EU let Hungary block decisions of the whole EU? WTF is the EU for a stupid concept with their "one country can block decisions" rule lol.

Last edited by crissindahouse - 3 days ago