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Rural vs. urban is an observation that can be made in plenty of countries, with urban voters being more reasonable in general. This is likely due to a higher percentage of people with a high level of education living there in comparison to rural regions. But it's also interesting that xenophobia tends to be at its highest in the areas where the percentage of immigrants in the population happens to be the lowest. The far-right always gets the most support from voters who have the least to do with immigration.

Middle America is especially funny because hardly any of the states have a border to Mexico. I've never heard of Canada being a problem, but that probably goes beyond skin color and has a lot to do with Canada being a better place to live in than the USA. It's also pretty apparent to me that the American south has a large amount of people who could never get over losing the civil war. These people's definition of patriotism is actually anti-patriotic, so it's no surprise that they vote Republicans.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.