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MAGA and their mouthpieces are lying about the handling of natural disaster relief... It's to the point that other Republicans have to correct them to avoid the chaos caused by other members of their political party.

Remember when conspiracy theory types were considered a lunatic fringe in all corners of the Western world?

What happened? How did so many flat earthers, racists, creationists, vaccine deniers, and conspiracy theorists just pop up over the last 15-20 years?

Was it social media that did it? Is it people actually being swayed by Russian disinformation/propaganda mills and bots? Before social media, these MAGA/cynical conspiracy theorists were an exceedingly rare species - and when they were found, it was usually a troll/someone without genuine belief in that nonsense. Or is it that there were numerous pits around the world where lunacy, credulity, and anti-intellectualism are the mainstream culture, and they didn't have the Internet or the attention of the media until much later than everywhere else?

Of course, it could all be a mirage.

The Internet tends to make lunatic fringe voices seem a lot louder than they actually are. The reason is that lunatic fringe types have an inclination toward being very active in any discussion on these topics. That's why that 0.01% of flat-earthers can feel like 30% of the Internet.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.