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the-pi-guy said:
firebush03 said:

Are y’all getting paid off by Genocide Joe or smth? I don’t understand why y’all are dying to defend Harris. Trump isn’t an existential threat, why should I care if he wins? I’d rather protest rather than follow-in-line with the DNC when the threat is as luke-warm as Don.

Maybe I'm completely wrong, but I've gotten the impression you're a left winger who doesn't believe in compromises. And I think that's an incredibly naive position.

Trump right now is lying about FEMA and immigration. His rhetoric, as well as the people on his side is getting people killed through the power of bad decisions.

The president is very limited without the support of Congress, but we're not going to make any kind of progress unless we accept whatever progress we can make.

The biggest reason why the right wingers constantly win in this country, is that they don't care about the compromises. Way too many of them have literally voted for people who were openly Nazis/openly Holocaust deniers.

We're not going to be able to make any progress on Climate Change or Trans rights or woman's rights or the housing crisis or healthcare or Israel or Ukraine, if we're not willing to accept small steps in the right direction. Republicans beat Roe v Wade, because they understand the importance of small steps.

I'm like 99% sure that Firebush is a left winger but he is one of those ones...The ones who make up excuses for Russia's aggression because "America bad", who have to constantly scream down our ears about how "both sides equally suck" and "nothing will ever change" and low-key try to convince others to throw away their votes (or throw away their own to a 3rd party, a guaranteed way to change nothing). He strikes me as one of those "burn it to the ground" privileged and naïve guys.

He repeats a lot of MAGA talking points because a lot of these guys simply do, not because he is a right winger. He thinks we love everything about America and think Biden and the Democrats are a gift from God simply because we don't buy into every line of criticism or share his opinion that they're all equally as damaging to the world and/or America.

I was a bloody Corbyn supporter who is more left wing than most of America's politicians, I stanned for that dude hard as fuck, I was even unironically chanting the "Oooo Jeremy Corbyn!" Lmao. I was also a big Bernie fan and would have loved to see him as American President but I can't stand these selfish left-wingers who decide that everyone must suffer, everything must burn, because progress isn't moving fast enough for them.

I am a white dude, in the UK, I won't suffer the consequences of restricting women's rights, I won't suffer the consequences of being forced to have a child after being raped, I maybe won't suffer the worst consequences of climate change fucking up the planet, I likely won't suffer the consequences of throwing Ukraine to their death, I won't suffer the consequences of the LGBTQ+ community being viciously attacked, I won't suffer many other consequences from a Trump Presidency but it doesn't mean I don't give a fuck about those that will.

I hate Netanyahu and I've been blasting Biden's foreign policy the past few months, although Firebush either didn't see that or didn't care because part of the reason I've been blasting Biden is because I believe he has been too weak on dealing with Russia (I also think he has been too strong in his support of Israel). I did think Biden was doing good domestically but his foreign policy has been a massive let-down recently.

However, it's about weighing the pros and cons, when I look at the Democrats I see more pros than cons, when I look at Trump I see no pros and a whole lot of cons, when I weigh up the amount of people who will be affected negatively by each presidency, I see that a Trump presidency would negatively impact far more people and fuck all would change in Israel, all you'd be doing is adding even more people to the list to harm and get killed and this is without getting into Trump electing even more MAGA lunatics into government positions.

People say how much damage can he do, it's literally his goddamn Supreme Court that is enabling ripping away women's rights during a Democrat Presidency! If it weren't for Mike Pence actually having balls to stand up to him, who knows what would have happened after Jan 6th. His new VP certainly doesn't have the balls to stand up against him. I don't think America would descend into civil war but I do think democratic procedures and institutions will be a lot more further eroded by another Trump presidency and his impact will go on longer than the 4 years he is in office, as it already did from his last time, only this time he'll be back with a vengeance.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 10 October 2024