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RolStoppable said:
firebush03 said:

“Your first sentence reveals that you shouldn't talk about topics that you are clueless about.” Every sentence that is accompanied with the name RolStoppable is filled with condescending assertions. (That’s part of the reason I love poking you: b/c I love trying to embarrass you. :) You’ve got such a big ego, it’s such an easy target!)

”Trump does everything to get into the spotlight” politics is just which side can brand themselves better. Trump sees his brand of republicanism, and he wants it to retain relevancy and power. It’s a winning strategy that the dems could take from…oh wait, they already did. Putin Price-Hike, the Trump Tax, etc. This labeling practice wasn’t nearly as common in US politics prior to Trump. :) What’s funny is that the Dems can’t pull it off quite like the repubs, as best seen with the “Let’s Go Brandon!” chant and “MAGA”.

“Just today I watched Jimmy Kimmel's Tuesday monologue where he made fun of Trump saying that a category 5 hurricane hitting land is unheard of; Kimmel showed that during Trump's presidency five category 5 hurricanes hit the USA and everytime Trump said the same thing.” What-about-ism. How bout we utilize the novel concept of bashing *both* Biden AND Trump (and literally any other US president) for failure to provide sufficient support during these natural disasters? Oh wait, you want this to be about Trump tho? Okay lol.

”But really, the question whether Trump is senile or not is very secondary when it's clear that he isn't and never was fit to be presiden of the United States.” Elaborate? What do you mean by “never was fit to be presiden of the United States”? How is Trump not fit? I thought this was a democracy? It’s not like Trump has posed a grave threat. (tho the DNC would love for you to think January 6 was a legitimate coup attempt…by a bunch of rednecks who voluntarily left after a few hours lmao. Keep in mind that you need the military on your side in order to get a coup done: This includes institutions such as the FBI, CIA, Pentagon, etc. I don’t think they were (nor are they) rallying behind Trump. There never was nor will ever be a legitimate threat from Donald Trump to our “democracy”.)

1. The truth is the truth. If you consider it condescending, then it's just further proof for how clueless you are. And sure, you love trying to embarrass me... with a big fat emphasis on the word 'trying'.

2. You are oddly proud of Trump being so much better at it.

3. Whataboutism is when someone tries to change the subject. You talked about Trump not being senile and I responded to that. I suppose you lost track of your own words with all the trolling you've engaged in.

4. You need an elaboration on why Trump isn't fit for office? Hilarious.

People died on January 6th and you laugh about it. That's just sick and wrong.

1. Delivery is condescending, material isn’t. Bad point, RolStoppable.

2. You only interpret it as pride b/c you’re a vote-blue-no-matter-who dem. I like to laugh at Kamala and her floundering campaign b/c I don’t support her. I don’t support Trump either, but it’s not as fun making fun of him when everybody else is kicking.

3. Whataboutisms refer to “the technique or practice of responding to an accusation or difficult question by making a counteraccusation or raising a different issue.” (Good way to remember this: “Oh Biden butchered his hurricane response? Well *what about* Trump? *What about* Bush with Katrina? They screwed it up also, so Biden deserves an excuse!”) By this definition, provided by Google, Jimmy Kimmel has committed a whataboutism when deflecting Biden’s poor response to hurricanes to Trump’s poor handling of hurricanes. Why can’t we critique both? What’s so hard about that? Or are you too afraid to criticize your “political team”? Lol. This is embarrassing for you, again.

4. Define “not fit for office” I don’t even know what this means lol. Are you saying “not qualified for office”? If so, what qualifications does he need? Does he need a PhD in economics? Also, I laugh at the libs who act like January 6th was the day democracy almost died. You can laugh at these ppl without laughing at the causalities of the event. (Though your decision to moral grandstanding fits perfectly with you affiliation as a Hillary Clinton/Kamala Harris democrat.)

Last edited by firebush03 - on 09 October 2024