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Even if the Switch ends up in the gray area between 155 and 160M (or 162M as RolStoppable said) and we never know who sold more, the Switch or the PS2, me personally, I'll declare the Switch the "winner", the most sold console. Sony is the one to blame for not having given us clear data about PS2's final shipment. I think that you can't just have the console sold, you have to provide clear data about it. In circustances of uncertainty, better stick with proved information. As for recording the "The most sold console ever" in websites and such, I defend something like "The Switch is the most sold console ever" and a disclaimer at the end.

Of course if the Switch manages to land on this area. It can go beyone 160M or fall short from 155M for whatever reason. I'm just advancing a conversation that might happen in the future