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This is not going to help in Michigan

US resident killed in Israeli strike on Lebanon

A resident of the city of Dearborn in the US state of Michigan has been killed in an Israeli strike on Lebanon, the Reuters news agency reports.

The US State Department said it was “deeply saddened” by the killing of Kamel Ahmad Jawad, whom a friend and a local group in his home town of Dearborn said was killed in an Israeli air strike, describing him as “one of the kindest and most generous humans”.

Jawad was in Lebanon taking care of his elderly mother, according to the Detroit News.

When asked about reports of an American killed in Lebanon, a State Department spokesperson said: “It’s our understanding that it was a legal permanent resident, not an American citizen [who was killed in Lebanon] but we obviously offer our sincerest condolences to the family.”

Distancing themselves by saying he's not an American citizen is pretty tactless.

US Muslim group highlights Americans killed in Israeli attacks

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a Muslim civil rights group, has criticised the US government for failing to address Israel’s killing of Americans in Gaza and now Lebanon.

The condemnation came after American citizen Kamel Jawad was reportedly killed in a recent Israeli air raid on Lebanon.

“Only politics and racism could explain the Biden administration’s disgusting pattern of indifference to Americans of colour killed by the Israeli government – from journalist Shireen Abu Akleh to Aysenur Ezgi Eygi to Kamel Jawad,” CAIR said in a statement.

“Every member of the Biden administration’s foreign policy team should be ashamed of themselves for enabling Israel’s war crimes against American citizens and countless other civilians. We do not expect this feckless and complicit administration to do anything to hold Kemal’s killers accountable, and we are done asking them to treat American Muslims killed overseas like human beings worthy of US protection.”

Last edited by SvennoJ - 1 day ago