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RolStoppable said:
firebush03 said:

Tell that to them. Don't kill the messenger lol. If you don't believe these individuals should be protesting a cause which they care deeply about (which has likely killed many who they have known and loved), then you are free to think this. I personally disagree...I'm hoping their message can be heard. Biden has the power to stop sending military aid to the madman Israel, but he chooses not to, effectively saying to these ppl "if you wanna protest, then fine. We'll just shoot ourselves in the foot and ruin our election."

I am all for killing the messenger, if the messenger is the one who is causing the biggest problems.

As sundin13 has already pointed out, taking a firmer stance against Israel comes with the risk of losing votes. I'd say it would lose easily more votes than the current course of the Biden administration, because support for Israel is something that both Democrats and Republicans agree on.

(RolStoppable, that first sentence makes no sense to me lol. The one abt killing the messenger.)

In any case, did you not read my response to Sundin13? Cutting aid to Israel and having U.S. utilize its leveraging power in stopping further Israeli aggression would be an extremely popular move amongst (non-Republican) Americans. I already provided a poll backing this claim, see my response to Sundin13. Are you genuinely telling me that Biden reaching a ceasefire agreement prior to the election would actually cause more harm than help for the Dems? Especially when the opposing party is sporting the line of “Finish them.”?