Leynos said: I should note I have about everything listed also Physical as well in some form and maybe a different platform in some cases unless it's a digital-only game marked with a * Zone of the Enders 2 Earthbound Lords of Thunder VanQusih Guardian Heroes Daytona USA Virtual On Panzer Dragoon Orta Ikaruga Gungrave GORE Evil WestThe Ascent Ruiner Assault Suit Leynos Astebreed Bulletstorm *Resogun Nex Machina Strider (2014) Dragon's Crown Contra/Arcade/Castlevania Collections Gleylancer Radiant Silvergun Lightening Force Gynoug Thunder Force AC *Cybattler Turok 1-2 Sengoku 2 *Night Slashers Fast RMX Assault Suits Valken Zero Gunner 2 |
Resogun and Nex Macina. My man 👊
...Strider 2014, also an epic game.