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The Xbox was a beast at its time. It had a friggin' hard drive built in in a time where you still had to get insanely expensive memory cards for PS2 and Gamecube. It also got some great PC ports like Morrowind. That was the first time I played an Elder Scrolls game. The graphics might seem laughable today. But back then nothing could touch the Xbox. Gamecube and PS2 looked like toys in comparison, even though PS2 and Gamecube still had far more exclusives.

I would pick Gamecube and PS2 over Xbox any day of the week. But when it comes to Xbox or Dreamcast, Segas offering doesn't stand a chance. The Dreamcast was ok, I guess. I had a blast playing Shenmue and Soul Calibur was also great. But those games came to Xbox eventually, if I remember correctly.

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.