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Switch 2 will sell close to the same as Switch 1, price won't be a issue unless you're thinking Switch 2 costs like twice the price of current Switch for no reason. If anything Japan will be the market where pricing will affect Nintendo the least because they have a monopoly there. People won't stop gaming because consoles became 20-30% more expensive. People overblown the impact of price. Japan is a country where society are from upper middle class, and have an habit to save money.

PS5 decrease in sales is due to people stopping to import from Japan, since Sony fixed the price it's no longer profitable to buy PS5 in Japan and sell elsewhere

PS5 is tanking because it's a home console, being expensive is just the cherry on top. Wii was a home console and was unexpensive and still had pretty bad sales. Same for Wii U, PS4, Game Cube, PS3 and anything not named PS2 in the last... 25 years? I mean, PSVita with virtually no support sold 6 million in Japan while PS4 with all developers in the market sold barely 3 million more with twice the retail life of Vita. Even if PS5 was the same price as Switch the ceiling for a non handheld console is Japan seems to be between 10 and 12 million