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LegitHyperbole said:
Ryuu96 said:

Yeah, answer this LegitHyperbole, Lol.

Because this is pretty much exactly Russia's logic, their Soviet Union back in the day was pretty powerful, they had multiple countries under their thumb, Putin straight up whipped out a map to say that Ukrainians as a people do not exist and Ukraine as a country does not exist and is Russia's by right, the same excuse he used for Crimea! That Russia never "technically" gave it away so it gave them the right to forcefully take it off Ukraine.

UK could use the exact same bullshit excuse to go invade Ireland and slaughter thousands of Irish people. Would you be happy if people in entirely different countries like Switzerland were saying "Ireland. You should surrender your territory to UK for peace" and some internet user was saying "We shouldn't support Ireland's ability to defend themselves, cut all aid off to them!"

I know if any part of UK was invaded by Russia, I wouldn't want UK to sit back and say "Oh okay, I'm sorry Russia, you can have it, take it! We come in peace!" I would want UK to fight back and defend its country and people, no matter if it was Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Falkland Isles, Cayman Islands! Because it would firstly be the right thing to do and secondly history has shown us how much of a disaster it is to bend over for imperialist countries because they do not stop if nobody stands up against them.

Why is it that Eastern Europe who literally borders Russia has more balls than those in Western Europe? Why is it always Western Europeans telling them what to do? I know for a fact that most people telling Ukraine what to do would be massive hypocrites in the event of the same scenario happening to their country.

Well we'd wage guerrilla warfare once again and it would be a never ending war, there as likely to win by nuking the country down to ruble and rebuilding. Russia can take Ukraine, they'll never hold it because of Gurilla warfare. I don't know which is worse. This or that to be honest, probably the never ending war. What I said still stands, eventually a reolution will have to be made so why not get one in the world now and save lives, loss and suffering. 

You could just surrender your territory to the UK because someone in Switzerland told you to?

It wouldn't last as long if the West stopped being cowardly and sent Ukraine what it needed from the start to beat Russia back, if the West didn't put a bunch of restrictions on Ukraine, Israel has less restrictions on it than Ukraine does and Israel's "foe" is far weaker than Russia.

The best way to get the most desirable resolution for Ukraine is for them to punish Russia as much as possible, a resolution with a country that doesn't want a resolution is not a resolution, Russia has repeatedly shown they aren't interested in any peace deal which doesn't end up with Ukraine demilitarising and Russia retaining 20% of Ukraine's territory and Ukraine having no military allies.

Your peace deal to save lives is temporary, delaying the inevitable, which would be a 3rd invasion when Russia has repaired its dire armed forces. Who would return to Ukraine of the millions that have fled knowing that Russia will once again invade in the future? Knowing that Ukraine is defenceless against further attack? Knowing that once again nobody will defend them?

Nobody would return, the millions of Ukrainians who have fled to Europe would instead stay in Europe's NATO blanket and Ukraine will die as a country, fall into economic ruin and have absolutely zero means to defend itself in the future against further aggression. Would you feel comfortable returning to a country that has been invaded twice already in the past 10 years, has zero security blanket in the future and the aggressor is literally your next door neighbour who pinky promises he won't do it again?

After your neighbour already broke an actual security agreement with you, in writing, Lol.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - 1 day ago