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Phenomajp13 said:
XtremeBG said:

I am taking credit from nobody, I am telling facts. And the war you are in, it seems you are alone there. This who is quick to call himself a winner is often a loser.

Me saying what I wrote about PS2,PS4 and Switch is not downplay. Downplaying is putting it like the console that's talked about wouldn't be successful if not for the given points. I never said that. Learn the meaning of the words.

Anyway you will continue to see posts from me for the Switch, explaining and reasoning. Telling the facts. Call it downplay if you want. And you can criticize, but I won't stop. Just like I won't stop doing the same for the Xbox and PS as well. But that doesn't drive you nuts, only Switch does. Cherry picker.

Farsala had a fun post too actually but it was some time ago. Farsala's hilarious self once tried to prove the Switch couldn't make it by breaking down the 3 largest/major regions separately (NA, EU, and Asia) and showing how far the Switch still has to surpass each alltime leader. DS is the alltime leader in NA, PS2 in EU, and DS again in Asia (due to Japan). That post showed the Switch had an impossible task lol! But then you realize how blatantly ridiculous of a post that was when you realize the PS2 holds the global record and is only an alltime leader in ONE of those regions. So why does Switch need to be the alltime leader in all of them? You see, you aren't the only one with funny post. 

Blatantly wrong. That isn't this thread. The Liquid Laser and Ryng predicted 170m for Switch, and I figured if numbers reached that high then the Switch would at least be competing with the top consoles in each region. I didn't say the Switch needed to win every region, but it at least needed compensation from other regions if it fell short.

I like doing comparisons, so I compared with the top consoles and every year I update to see the progress just for the fun of it.