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SvennoJ said:
LegitHyperbole said:

You can tell Putin would leave the war if he had a chance to do so and look good in the process, like keep parts of Eastern Ukraine. I'm fairly sure this is how experts and analysts are accessing things but it's just my gut feeling.

BTW. Are you okay man? You're always very quick to sarcasm and spite. 

Look at the Israel-Palestine conflict what that leads to. The Oslo accords were basically that, keep parts of the Westbank and look good in the process. Israel also kept parts of Lebanon and Syria after 'leaving' those wars, and now full scale war again.

Putin is a war criminal with ICC arrest warrant outstanding

The last thing we need is to make Putin look good so he, or his followers can (and will) try again.

The Ukraine really is as simple as Russia needs to fully withdraw from all Ukrainian territory. Then sort things out.

The struggles in Ukraine started pretty much at the same time as the struggles in Palestine
In the aftermath of WW1.

Ukraine has declared independence since 1991, Russia needs to leave them alone.

The fault for the long duration of this war is on the West. Desperately trying to keep the status quo (money making status quo) and unwilling to send troops to defend Ukraine.  UNSC can't do anything because of Russia's veto. So the West is just trickling military aid to basically turn it into a proxy war against Russia instead of liberating Ukraine.

Call me cynical but US and Europe are pretty much using Ukraine to renew their military equipment (send the old stuff to Ukraine) while using Ukraine to weaken Russia. Using Ukraine as a reason to expand NATO instead of focusing on getting Russia out of Ukraine.

Chechen Wars 1 and 2 as well. Russia failed in the first Chechen War, so what did they do? They built their military back up and then utterly annihilated Chechnya in the 2nd Chechen War and nobody was there to help Chechnya or give Chechnya any security guarantees. That's Ukraine's future if we allow Russia to take a victory from the war but also block Ukraine from being able to make alliances with other countries. Neville Chamberlains desperate attempts to placate Nazi Germany got us nowhere. America being isolationist got them attacked by Japan.

Ukraine really is as simple as Russia needs to fully withdraw from all Ukrainian territory.

It really is that simple, Russia just needs to get the fuck out of a country which isn't theirs. The sad thing is, I'm fully expecting that literally the moment this war ends, America + Western Europe will in an instant lift all the sanctions on Russia when Imho they should remain in place and be gradually lifted along stages, such as Russia admitting wrongdoing, Russia helping to rebuild Ukraine and those responsible being punished. I don't know but based on some countries cowardice, especially America and Germany, I fully expect they'll in an instant go back to business as usual with Russia as pathetic as that sounds, I have just lost confidence in some countries.

I don't actually think Ukraine will be allowed in NATO either...I still support Ukraine's desire to want to join NATO because Ukraine is an independent country and they have that right to try to join NATO but I just don't think it's happening at this stage, I think America and Germany are too afraid of "escalation" and they'll once again block Ukraine's entry into NATO for the near-mid term future even post-war. All it takes is one veto...I mean if it's not America or Germany it could be Hungary.

That's why Zelenskyy is lately focusing more on security guarantees than NATO but those are as worthless as the security guarantee in the 90s where UK, USA and Russia gave Ukraine security guarantees in exchange for their nukes, which Russia broke, those security guarantees are useless if not enforced and I have low-confidence they would be enforced if it's not NATO's umbrella.

Personally, I would fully support the UK entering into a security agreement with Ukraine post-war where if Ukraine was invaded once again, the UK would put troops on the ground in Ukraine and Navy vessels into the Black Sea and defend Ukraine simply because it's the right thing to do and I'm not afraid of Russia's 20,000 nuke threats but I'm not PM, obviously, Lol.

I think we should clarify though, a lot of the pathetic escalation management is mainly stemming from Western Europe; America, Germany in particular but France and UK aren't blameless, UK for example doesn't have to be a dog to the USA, Lol. We could lift the restrictions on Storm Shadow and what the fuck is America going to do about it? Lol.

The Baltics, Nordics and Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, have been amazing in their support of Ukraine, they've been the most vocal in supporting Ukraine and strongest in terms of GDP. They've been emptying their stocks for Ukraine. They understand the threat of Russia which America and Western Europe don't. They've been the strongest advocates of lifting restrictions on Ukraine and stop with this stupid escalation management bullshit.

But unfortunately, it is Western Europe who have the most military might and these countries need Western Europe's backing. Romania wants to shoot down Russian missiles and drones entering their airspace but they can't do it without guarantees that Western Europe will stand by their side. Likewise with the Baltics who are simply not powerful enough and these are the countries which would the frontline defence against Russia while America, UK, France and Germany sit in the background chilling.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - 1 day ago