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LegitHyperbole said:

You can tell Putin would leave the war if he had a chance to do so and look good in the process, like keep parts of Eastern Ukraine. I'm fairly sure this is how experts and analysts are accessing things but it's just my gut feeling.

Yeah that's all great. 
And then in a few years, Putin invades again, because he's been made to feel the last one was a success. 

Dictators with a history of invading countries, and being all around horrible people, should not be placated.

LegitHyperbole said:

BTW. Are you okay man? You're always very quick to sarcasm and spite. 

I assure you, it's not spite. 

The sarcasm is just me being lazy/trying a different approach from Ryuu. My family also just uses a lot of sarcasm.

I'm mostly okay. Sometimes I'm real tired of seeing the same hateful nonsense, but I have a high threshold for it. 

Last edited by the-pi-guy - 1 day ago