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First impressions after more than two hours

The good

  • English VA is great
  • Voiced protagonist
  • Characters are already likable
  • Persona 5 like combat
  • Flow from combat encounter to the next is amazing for a turn based game, feels almost Action RPG it's so slick.
  • Can restart a battle mid fight if things are going badly, really cool
  • Weaker/stronger enemy system is brilliant to avoid tedium
  • Great stylization (albeit a bit over stylized in the menu with things flickering) World looks great though
  • Animation cutscenes are fantastic
  • They thanked me for trying out the demo
  • An air of mystery
  • Auto dialogue is quick and feels natural
  • Music is great 

The bad

  • No HDR (shame cause the game would pop even more)
  • Alisising in a modern title this bad has no excuse, it's atrocious and terribly distracting. Almost sickening. 
  • Everything has an emporhus style where nothing is static, not even the menus and it's cool for ten minutes then gets super annoying 
  • They are presenting the story as if you're supposed to know what's going on, like you know the world already. Not cool. 
  • Death means nothing, just spawn a few steps back
  • Going from scene to scene feels not very cohesive so far
Last edited by LegitHyperbole - on 26 September 2024