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First impressions after more than two hours

The good

  • English VA is great
  • Voiced protagonist
  • Persona 5 like combat
  • Weaker/stronger enemy system is brilliant to avoid tedium
  • Great stylization (albeit a bit over stylized in the menu with things flickering) World looks great though
  • Animation cutscenes are fantastic
  • They thanked me for trying out the demo
  • An air of mystery
  • Auto dialogue is quick and feels natural
  • Music is great 

The bad

  • No HDR (shame cause the game would pop even more)
  • Alisising in a modern title this bad has no excuse, it's atrocious and terribly distracting. Almost sickening. 
  • Everything has an emporhus style where nothing is static, not even the menus and it's cool for ten minutes then gets super annoying 
  • They are presenting the story as if you're supposed to know what's going on, like you know the world already. Not cool. 
  • Death means nothing, just spawn a few steps back
  • Going from scene to scene feels not very cohesive so far

I can tell why people are underwhelmed by this demo already, we are in the tutorial phase of a game from a studio whose games usually take over ten hours to get going. Also, the aliasing is super terrible, it's such a stain on what is such a pretty world underneath it. Really hard to look past and enjoy the beautiful buildings. Lots of texture pop in and just graphical glitches (I'm on ps4 pro but this game isn't a graphical powerhouse) and the story doesn't feel cohesive at all, there's a cutscene then loading, small scene then loading screen. And it's all broken up terribly. I should be upgrading to the PS5 during my playthrough of this so it'll be interesting to see if an ssd fixes that but right now it feels archaic.

Hoping some of the bad gets over ridden by good. I really wanna like this one but man, that aliasing is hard to look past. 😪 

Last edited by LegitHyperbole - on 26 September 2024