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One of the biggest issues with Nintendo distractors is that they become so infatuated with downplaying Nintendo that they don't realize how dumb their logic sounds. There is no market of people seeking a portable device, just like there is no market of people seeking home consoles. These people are seeking games, what sales a platform are not it's features. It's library sales the console. People buy Nintendo handhelds because of Pokemon, not portability. That's why Playstation handhelds failed, because people aren't buying for portability, they are buying for the library it offers like home consoles. If it was so simple to just offer a portable platform and 240 million people might show up, then the discrepancy between Nintendo and Sony handhelds wouldn't be a complete beat down if these people were only seeking a portable gaming console. Switch is obviously pulling from the traditional Nintendo fanbase including Mario, Pokemon, Zelda, and Animal Crossing along with those DS and Wii fans from the blue ocean, and with fans from the 3rd party support received. Those are people from the gaming market (home & handheld). That's why Nintendo Switch Sports and Ring Fit Adventure did so well. Those games are simply not as popular as their Wii counterparts. 

Last edited by Phenomajp13 - on 24 September 2024