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The Switch ending up just below or just above exactly 160M is a pretty safe bet but for the other two there's still quite a bit of uncertainty since when the successors release will have a significant impact. The PS5 beating the PS4 or not will probably come down to when the PS6 releases and for the Xbox Series it'll determine where in the 40's it'll end up at with it reaching 50m being a possibility if it lasts till late 2028.

javi741 said:

Tbh we might be underestimating the PS5/SeriesX sales a bit. Yea sales for those consoles are slower than the previous gen but I feel like GTA 6 could be huge enough and singlehandedly change that. Probably the most anticipated game in history and will be exclusive to consoles for nearly a year before it goes to PC, and it's gonna be a next gen exclusive giving PS4/XboxOne owners a true reason to finally upgrade, sales been a bit slower for next gem adoption because of how many cross gen games there are at this point.

GTA 6 will for sure cause a big surge the month it comes out but other than that I think its impact will be smaller than most people expect since by the time it comes out the vast majority of people who will buy it on the PS5 or Xbox Series will already own one. We're looking at a late 2025 release at the earliest at this point which will be starting to get to the late stages of the generation when even console exclusive games as big as RDR2 don't cause much of a boost at all. GTA 6 will have a significantly bigger impact than that game though of course.