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LegitHyperbole said:
Ryuu96 said:


Second thing, China has so many more fighting age men it's unbelievable. Even if there was a draft in the US they'd still have so, so many more. Not to mention so many US men will fail bootcamp for many reasons. If China wants to invade, they don't need military equipment, they need able bodied men and they have a lot of them and a lot tougher too than the US where so many are over weight. 

You're killing me Hyperbole...What do you think takes those able bodied men across the ocean? Lmao.


There's not a single country on this planet which would think it would be a good invade to perform a land invasion of America in the year 2024. China can pack all the able-bodied men it wants into ships like a tin of sardines and go try to invade America by land, they'll soon lose tens of thousands to the bottom of the ocean when America sinks them before they even reach American soil.

America and its allies...

Manpower is worth considering but it's not the sole factor of a countries power, if it was then Russia would have won the Ukraine war by now. We aren't in the early 90s anymore, air and naval equipment has advanced massively, even drone technology is taking huge leaps recently, NATO for the most part doesn't fight wars anymore by digging trenches and sending thousands of men to charge in a straight line to their deaths.

Edit - I may have screwed up here and mistakenly thought you was talking about China invading America, now I re-read it I think you're talking about China invading Taiwan but large parts of my arguments still stand for that scenario too, manpower isn't everything, especially against a country surrounded by an ocean and the only way to it is through sea or skies, being defended by some of the most powerful navies and air-forces in the world.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 23 September 2024