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Been a fan of Stevie Richards since the 1990s when he was in ECW and on Sunday Night Heat before moving up to RTC, and continued being a fan of his through the Stevie Night Heat era, and then I kind of lost touch before rediscovering him through his online tech show back in 2017, when he declared his support for the Nintendo Switch - particularly liking the same controller configuration I do (the split joy con controller mode). He probably ties with K/R Kwik/Truth as the best aged guy from the Attitude era.

Charles Wright, IMO, has a long history of being a complete dumbass in his interviews. Looks like in his 60s he's starting to grow up.
While I agree that the "Godfather" was a fun gimmick for 99/00, how long would it have really lasted? I still remember when the WWE tried to resurrect the Ho-Train Godfather, and it came off as feeling very dated and lame, and the crowds didn't give a crap, and they pulled the plug in like 4-6 weeks, or cut back the frequency of it considerably. Of course, it might have been one of those things where if they kept it up it would have kept going, but because 2002 (or whenever) people were already mostly over the shock culture era (that thrived 97-2001) they didn't want to get back onboard the reboot.

Last edited by Jumpin - 1 day ago

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.