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curl-6 said:
zorg1000 said:

Read the conversation, it was civil until the person proved that they are either a troll or “insert mean name” in which case, logic and reasoning aren’t going to sway them.

Again, it’s really odd that me saying a mean word is so appalling to you but the person spreading racist stories that did in fact spread violence is treated with kid gloves.

“make sure to be nice to the person spreading made up racist/anti-immigrant/Islamophobic stories that incite violence! We wouldn’t want to offend them!”

And it's odd to me that your response to something as simple as "we shouldn't flame people" is to try to twist things to paint me as a villain, but it seems to be par for the course for American political discourse.

Given that you did receive a warning, the only reason I commented is satisfied.

Because it’s a really weird thing to fixate on given the other persons comments, it’s like if this was a conversation.

Person #1-We need another Holocaust

Person #2-You’re a piece of shit

Person #3-Name calling is against the rules

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.