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curl-6 said:
zorg1000 said:

Don’t worry, a moderator sent me a warning about it two days ago.

Obviously what I did was against forum rules, however, I find it concerning that you are more worried about me calling someone a mean name than you are about the guy who has a history of spreading racist, anti-immigrant misinformation.

This isn’t video games, it’s not like I insulted him over console wars or game sales or graphics, I insulted him because he’s spreading fake stories that are leading to violence against entire communities and when asked to be more responsible and make sure these stories are true before posting them, he goes on a tangent about free speech and says he thinks I’m about to call him a Nazi.

I haven't followed his "history" here but if you feel he is being hateful, then that's something for the mods to deal with. 

Well then maybe get more info before butting in.

I don’t “feel” like the things he is saying are hateful, they simply are. He spread false information about a Muslim immigrant killing kids in the UK which led to riots and he spread false information about Haitian immigrants stealing and eating cats in Springfield, Ohio which has led to bomb threats at the local schools & hospitals.

When confronted about this and telling him to be more responsible and verify if stories like this are true before spreading them, instead of owning up to it, he came up with nonsense rebuttals like “that sounds too hard” and “isn’t it actually a good thing I spread misinformation?” and “freedom of speech!” and “I feel like you’re about to call me a nazi”

Obviously what I said broke forum rules but context matters and that’s probably why a moderator messaged me directly instead of punishing me. There is a huge difference between insulting someone because they think Switch 2 will be more powerful than PS5 Pro and insulting someone because they are spreading racist misinformation that has led to violence and gives nonsense excuses justifying doing so.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.