Yeah, I can understand that smaller devs take money for exclusivity rights because that obviously also helps to finance the game and to invest more in the development of it but bigger devs/publishers? They just hurt themselves over the long run with this exclusivity stuff. At least with games which are part of a franchise. You lose some potential sales on other platforms forever and not only for this single release. Many can't be bothered to buy game XY 5 if they couldn't play XY 3 and 4. So even with games which won't be exclusive anymore you will reach lower sales because of your other exclusive releases.
And this will take many consequent releases on a platform to fix again. It's also not smart to bet on a single platform holder as if it's your friend. What if Sony will increase their lead more and more? Wouldn't be surprising if they would increase their cut from every sold third party game if they don't have any competition anymore.
Last edited by crissindahouse - on 18 September 2024