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BFR said:

Pem: "And I would argue the USA lacks the ambition to reach for the stars these days as well."

We have two functioning rovers on Mars. Name me another country that has even one functioning rover on Mars.

Wanna go further than Mars?

"Voyager 1 is the most distant man-made object in space, currently 164.7 Astronomical Units (AU) from Earth. It's traveling at a speed of 38,026.79 miles per hour (17.0 kilometers per second) relative to the Sun."

What the US has done is incredibly impressive but those days are dying down, particularly putting a car chassis size rover on Mars eith a helicopter that was designed long before drones and the amazing JWTS which is such an amazing feat and moving an asteroid which didn't get the buzz it deserved. We moved a celestial body and it barely made news. Thing is, these things are often a decade behind in technology and planning stuff happening at NASA is a reflection of where the US was in 2014 rather than a reflection cause that's when it was planned and solidified. In my view private space companies have been doing more, Space X landing rockets. The Star link network. The blue origin fight etc. Same with robotics, private companies are impressing more than DARPA (of what we know).