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BFR said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Nuclear energy is so much safer these days. It's such a pity we aren't using it. Chinas over there building a thorium reactor and we're freezing grannies to death in the name of renewable energy.

Also, these thorium reactors exist at the experimental level today.  Just because something exists at the experimental stage today is no guarantee it will be commercially viable soon.

"By 2019 two of the reactors were under construction in the Gobi desert, with completion expected around 2025. China expects to put thorium reactors into commercial use by 2030."

Yeah. It's not an easy technology to build. The molten salt design is more interesting to me anyway, make a uranium reactor with that and I'd feel safer. We in Europe and the US should be leaning into Nuclear regardless of wheter it's thorium or not but there's too much money to be made. Why give us cheap clean energy, pfft.