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As for people saying the combat is shit. It's a massive step up from something like Skyrim. I feel like this is complaining that Fallout isn't an exceptional First person shooter but I have to say that people must not be playing this game on the higher difficulties, it is fun when you're juggling enemies and I see no difference between the combat in games that are praised like Shadow of mordor, it just does away with the QTE's. It's not just servicable, it's more than servicable and the fact that is is basic is not the same as it being bad. I bet if they used the shoulder buttons instead of Square and triangle that people would feel differently about the combat system...oh it's like souls they'd say. The problem here is the difficulty options, anything lower than the second hardest difficulty is FAR too easy to the point where you don't even have to use signs for basic enemies or prepare for monster fights like the game intends, yes the combat is basic but what goes along side the combat is where the fun is that makes you look forward to monster fight. Thing about this game is bosses have mechanics too which is very rare in Western RPG's along with a lot of encounters and dungeons having mechanics, there's more to analysing this than simply the very basics of the combat. Does it feel good? That's subjective but in my opinion it does. Is it fun, again subjective but I have a lot of fun playing through this game and I wouldn't if the combat was flawed at the most base level.